
React Suspense Fetchr

$ npm i -D @cprecioso/react-fetch       # if you use npm
$ yarn add --dev @cprecioso/react-fetch # if you use yarn


import { makeFetchHook } from "@cprecioso/react-fetch";

const fetchJson = (...args) => fetch(...args).then((res) => res.json());

const usePost = makeFetchHook((id) => fetchJson(`/api/post/${id}`));

const Post = ({ id }) => {
const { get, mutate, revalidate } = usePost([id]);

const post = get();

const addLike = async () => {
// Update the count locally (doesn't trigger a re-request)
mutate((post) => ({ ...post, likes: post.likes + 1 }));

// Post your like to your backend, it returns the new like count.
const newLikes = await fetchJson(`/api/post/${id}/like`, {
method: "POST",

// Maybe some more people liked the post while you were in the
// page, and the local count is not correct anymore.

// Updates with the new count, and triggers a re-request.
// If you didn't want a re-request here, you could use
// `mutate` again instead.
revalidate((post) => ({ ...post, likes: newLikes }));

return (
<p>{post.likes} likes</p>
<button onClick={addLike}>Like this post</button>


See the docs

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